Graduated with honors in Law in 1997 from the University of Trento. She is enrolled in the Rovereto Bar since 27.06.2000; She has been a cassation lawyer since 24.10.2012. She is registered in the list of lawyers qualified for legal aid in civil matters. In May 2021 you began attending the Higher Education School in the Law of family relations, persons and minors, for the two-year period 2021/2022. She deals with civil law and in particular with family law and juvenile law, in the pre-litigation phase and in disputes between spouses/cohabitants/civilly united persons, status of the person, family relationships in general, protections and guardianship, support administration; appointments as special curator of minors; inheritance law; road accidents; contractual and non-contractual liability.
Graduated with honors in Law in 1997 from the University of Trento. She is enrolled in the Rovereto Bar since 27.06.2000; She has been a cassation lawyer since 24.10.2012. She is registered in the list of lawyers qualified for legal aid in civil matters. In May 2021 you began attending the Higher Education School in the Law of family relations, persons and minors, for the two-year period 2021/2022. She deals with civil law and in particular with family law and juvenile law, in the pre-litigation phase and in disputes between spouses/cohabitants/civilly united persons, status of the person, family relationships in general, protections and guardianship, support administration; appointments as special curator of minors; inheritance law; road accidents; contractual and non-contractual liability.