Silvio Malossini has been a lawyer with a studio in Rovereto since 1972 (date of registration in the Register of the Rovereto Bar Association). He is enrolled in the register of defenders before the Court of Cassation since 1992 and in the list of Auditors. He mainly deals with judicial and extrajudicial matters of civil law (succession, separations, divorces, leases, civil liability, real rights) and above all commercial, corporate and bankruptcy law. Over the years he has carried out legal assistance in bankruptcy proceedings in favor of numerous companies in crisis. He has received positions in the boards of auditors of numerous companies. He also holds the position of member of the Supervisory Body in a leading company in the energy sector.
Silvio Malossini has been a lawyer with a studio in Rovereto since 1972 (date of registration in the Register of the Rovereto Bar Association). He is enrolled in the register of defenders before the Court of Cassation since 1992 and in the list of Auditors. He mainly deals with judicial and extrajudicial matters of civil law (succession, separations, divorces, leases, civil liability, real rights) and above all commercial, corporate and bankruptcy law. Over the years he has carried out legal assistance in bankruptcy proceedings in favor of numerous companies in crisis. He has received positions in the boards of auditors of numerous companies. He also holds the position of member of the Supervisory Body in a leading company in the energy sector.